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Month: August 2019

Moving an Alzheimer’s Patient

When I walked in and found the two of them asleep together, I just broke down in tears and started to revisit my decision to move her to a new memory unit. It had taken me months to make this decision and I had been so certain that it was the right one. Now, looking at mom and how comfortable she was with her friend, I was distraught at the thought of tearing her away from Henry.

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Caregiver was Incompetent?

That night I thought about this situation and I concluded that this didn’t just happen in an hour. I know that infections can spread and worsen rapidly but this had to have been ignored by a caregiver. It had to be ignored or missed by the person who got her dressed and put on her socks that morning. This was either a caregiver cover up or incompetence. I was distraught by the whole situation and realized that I no longer had an ounce of confidence in the level of care that my mother was receiving. I had to get her out of here and I had to find a place that would restore my confidence.

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